Thomas the Rhymer Fantasy Masterwork Edition (2015) by Delphine Lebourgeois (
Thomas the Rhymer, Bantam paperback reissue (2005)
Thomas the Rhymer, first UK edition (1991)
Thomas the Rhymer Finland cover (2008)
Thomas the Rhymer French Éditions Hoëbeke (2002)
Thomas the Rhymer French Éditions Gallimard (2002)
Thomas der Barde, Germany, published by Bastei Lübbe Taschenbuch (1993)
Thomas the Rhymer, Hayakawa Publishing, Inc. Japanese cover (1992)
Tomass Varsmotajs, Latvian cover, published by Hekate, (1997)
Thomas the Rhymer Russian Cover
Thomas the Rhymer Russian inside front cover, by Folda
Thomas the Rhymer Russian back cover, by Folda
Thomas the Rhymer cover by Folda (Russian, 2007)
Additional Thomas the Rhymer cover art by Folda
Thomas, by Folda
Thomas the Rhymer Russian inside front cover, by Folda
Thomas and the Queen, by Folda
Gavin and Elsbeth, by Folda
Thomas and Meg, by Folda
Thomas the Rhymer, TOR Books, paperback (1991) Art by Thomas Canty
Thomas the Rhymer, William Morrow and Company (1990), art by Thomas Canty (front/back spread)
Thomas the Rhymer, William Morrow and Company (1990), art by Thomas Canty
Thomas the Rhymer, Uncorrected galley proof cover
Oil over Watercolor on Strathmore board. Created as a painting for the paperback cover of Thomas the Rhymer, for Bantam/Random House, NY; art by Kinuko Y. Craft (
Oil over Watercolor; revised from original painting, which was used for the paperback cover of “Thomas the Rhymer,” for Bantam/Random House, NY; art by Kinuko Y. Craft (
Have another Thomas the Rhymer cover you don’t see here? Send me a scan of it and we’ll put it in the gallery!